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Choose Your Strategy

strategic planning Nov 05, 2022

One of the questions I get asked often is which is the ‘best’ strategy for a property investor.  That depends on what your definition of ‘best’ is.  Do you want a quick profit, a long-term income, challenging projects, a hands-off business – or something else?

Probably the most popular investment strategies are buy-to-let and buy to sell (flips).  

  •  Buying-to-sell (BTS) gives you a significant cash lump sum (if you do it right) within months.
  •  Buy-to-Let (BTL) gives you a much smaller monthly profit (if you do it right) for years to come, with the bonus of potential capital growth (depending on where you buy).

Some people focus on BTS because their current circumstances mean they are not mortgageable. That prevents them using the BTL strategy, until they’ve built up their profits and established a sufficient credit record; at this point they become a more attractive risk to lenders.

Some people choose to BTS properties that need no work doing to them, but can be sold at a profit on the purchase price paid.  Properties can often be bought at auction and then reauctioned and still make a profit.

Some people choose BTL on properties they can do up, because they can increase the value, get a mortgage against the higher value and have relatively little of their own cash left in the deal.  However, some people do up a property and then sell it at a significant profit.

There are specialists in every different strategy from HMO conversions to commercial to residential, new builds, properties in a poor state that need a complete overhaul, serviced accommodation – the list is endless.

Some people choose to use a combination of strategies often combining some buy-to-lets with flips or commercial to residential conversions with HMOs.  It’s whatever rocks your boat – but the key to success is knowing all the tricks of the trade to ensure you’re making the most profit from your investments with intelligent funding.

Usually people focus on what they are able to do and choose strategies which meet their objectives and priorities, but if you’re willing to learn, it’s worth exploring how other strategies work until you find the right one for you.

Here is a video on my YouTube Channel discussing this topic.

Choose Your Property Strategy: How To Make The Right Choice For You

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